Fertilizer Composition Calculator
Fertilizers are composed of both macro and micro nutrients; macro nutrients, commonly found as NKP compositions [or numbers] are the vital elements for the growth of any plant and they differ depending on the plant’s life phase. Micronutrients on the other hand play various roles and stabilize the micro biological and chemical environment of the plant. In many cases, micro nutrients and macro nutrients cannot co-exist and those incompatibilities must be known and calculated when one prepares such a composition tool.
The abundance of specific raw materials locally calls for increased use of those materials in the commercial fertilizers manufacture. Thus it is of great importance for any manufacturer [but especially for small manufacturers that have access to such materials very locally] to own such a tool that can optimize their formulations and reveal the true potential of different combinations of raw materials. In our tool, adding a new compound is very easy, you just type the molecular formula of the desired compound, and then by modification of your recipe, you end up with the required/ targeted NPK and micronutrients amounts.
Our team has been creating a newer version of this tool which will shortly be available for sale and will also offer new capabilities such as formulation reverse solving, GUI and others!
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